Saturday, September 13, 2008

An Unexpected Gift

I had a dream the other night. 
I dreamt my mother in law's( ML) uncle came to visit me. He wanted her to know he was there. Then he told me,   to tell ML what I needed to tell her. 

Then I woke up.

I have learned to listen to my dreams and not question them.

ML is dying. She is in the care of hospice. 

Hubby called yesterday to say that this mom's condition had changed. I went to see her.

I sat with her while she slept and when she woke up she seemed to know me. She said she had a bad dream.    I took  my opportunity.  

I told her I had a dream about her Uncle Dan and he wanted her to know he was there.  She stopped and then smiled. A real smile.  
"He is strong," she said. 
 I said he was there if she needed him.

I went on. I told her I knew her stories and I will tell her stories to her grandchildren. I thanked her for taking me in to her family. I thank her for being kind to me. I told her I loved her and then I hugged her.

She hugged me back. A real hug.
We both cried and then she asked me to tell her one of her stories.  And I did.

I was given a gift. In the midst of all this pain, I was given a gift.

Thank you.


LeMoDo's mom said...

wow...that is one of the best gifts. and one i am sure you will treasure a lifetime.

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

That is a gift of a lifetime. I am so glad for you. We are here if you need anything, please know that.

Unknown said...

I have just read a few of your posts and I am so sorry for what your family is going through.
It is so hard to lose the people we love and I know I have said it before and I will say again a thousand times,
Hospice is wonderful.
They are there for you as well as your ML.
They helped us through such hard times, times when we didn't think we had the strength to go on, but they were there and held our hand and helped us through.

My thoughts are with you.