Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Parenting Mistake #7,842

Son likes to REMIND me of the things I do wrong. ( aren't 7 year old boys wonderful?)

Today he reminded me of his Baseball camp experience.  He attended Baseball camp for a week in July. He was very excited and loved it. 
Well he loved MOST  of it.

" Why did you pack me goldfish crackers for a snack?" asked Son.

" Because you LOVE  goldfish crackers " I replied sweetly.  (I was sure a big Thank you was coming...)

" Baseball player DO NOT eat goldfish crackers!" stated Son. " It was humiliating!!!  "

I Blew it AGAIN!!

1 comment:

Misty said...

well... and I think that everything we do can either humiliate or "destroy" them in the right (or wrong) setting...