Friday, September 26, 2008


Everybody needs a Sue in their life.

A week after Daughter was born I hit the wall. Exhausted and overwhelmed. 
Sue came over, put me to bed. I woke up 3 hours later to a clean house, clean sleeping baby and a turkey dinner in the oven!  I still tear up when I think about it.

There was more than one time I called  her up and told her I was sick and Hubby was on the road. I did not know what to do with Daughter. Sue would be over in 20 minutes, and take Daughter for the night. One time she slept Daughter in a dresser drawer because she did not have the  pack and play.

Fast forward to present:
Daughter is turning 13, her Grammy is dying, I have Open House at MY school and Hubby has to go to Open House at Daughter's school.  

This was HER special day and no one would be here to help celebrate. 
Entered  Sue.
" No problem she says. "
Sue took both kids out to Daughter's favorite restaurant--Chili's. 
She picked up a birthday cake and reminded us all to sing Happy Birthday to her before she went to bed.

I am so blessed to have Sue in my life. My life and the lives  of my kids have  been enriched by having Sue in our lives.

Thank you Sue !

 I love you!


Mandy said...

Awww!! *sniff* I agree..thank GOD for the Sue's in our lives! She sounds super terrific. I'm so glad you have her!

Misty said...

Sue sounds wonderful... Everyone does need a sue. Maybe, since I've never had a Sue like yours, I should aspire to be someone's sue?

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Yes you are indeed lucky to have such a wonderful human in your world!