Friday, July 9, 2010

The Secret Transends

We pick up the story after the father has died and the eldest son is putting together their dad's estate.

It takes months to put all the pieces together.
Weeks of going through garbage bags.
Endless telephone calls, emails and faxes.
Thousands of hours and many days taken off of work.

The eldest son had to file years of back taxes.
Find abandon property.
Sort through all his dad's papers and possessions.

During the search he found some of the answers he was looking for.
During the search he came to know and understand his father.
During the search he came to peace.

The middle brother on the other, waited.
Waited for his due, what was " rightfully his".

The estate neared closing
The middle brother was informed of what he had would inherit .

The middle brother was not happy.
This was not his due.
This was not what he had been expecting.

The secret saw it's chance.
A chance to reclaim it's position in this family.
And while the middle brother stewed in his anger,
the secret snuck in and claimed it's next victim.

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