Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Freezing Time

There are times in my life that I have tried to freeze in my memory.

I remember when MoMo was 3.
We were sitting in the rocking chair in her pink and yellow sponged painted room.
I was rocking her and reading Time For Bed.

She fit perfectly in my lap.
Her feet came to the edge of my knees.
I could tilt my head slightly and rest it on her head,
I could wrap my arms around her and have my arms touch the other's elbow.

I remember snuggling her in her pink bunnies ( what she called footy PJ's),
and thinking
"I need to remember this.
I need to remember what if felt like to hold and cuddle her.
This will be gone soon.
This is my time with her as a toddler."

Today I had that moment with Luke.
He was getting ready for camp.
His face was tan and freckles were scattered across his nose.
He had on a green baseball cap, a soccer shirt and soccer shorts.
His smile was full of mischief and exposed his newly grown in teeth that didn't quite fit his mouth yet.
I just wanted to freeze that moment.

This is his time as a "boy".
He won't be a boy forever.
But for today,
he is MY boy...

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