Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What 3

Oprah is going the Best Life thing so I thought I would give it a whirl.

I DVR the episodes.
Today was Dr. Oz .

 I caught just a bit but he had a few suggestions.
One was --what 3 foods are you willing to give up now:

I posed the question to Hubby.

Here is what we came up with--

Good Bye- Oreos, Doritos, and ??

We could not come up with a third!

Oh , this is not good.....


Misty said...

i hate oprah... i was curious to see this series though... I should have DVR'd it too. do you know if she'll air them on her website?

Debie Napoleon said...

Three foods that I could give up? White Bread, Oreos (totally agree with that pick) and peas.

I love Oprah most of the time....