Usually I am up and out of the house by 6:30--yep that is right 6:30 AM.
It is quiet when I leave and dark.
The dogs have been fed and are still sleepy.
The birds are still asleep.
Hubby and Son are still asleep.
Daughter is up--but I would not say she is awake--she is not a morning person.
This past Friday was different.
I was home with Son.
At 7 am Daughter leaves, and Hubby is getting out of the shower.
The dogs are now excited because they think it is Saturday and they are going for a long walk.
The local news is over and the Today shows starts.
Matt and Meredith are serious and look very professional.
At 7:05 the first school bus goes by.
The sun is peaking out over the hill behind our house.
Birds--mostly crows start making noise.( I wouldn't call it singing)
7:30 Hubby leaves.
He comes back in 3 times because he needs things.
He fills up his To Go coffee mug-it is a glass Peanut butter jar--a story for another day.
Comes back for his wallet and keys.
One more time for something else.
Son says Daddy always comes back inside a few times--it is part of the routine.
8:00 Matt and Meredith start joking around.
They go outside with Al while Ann is still inside.
Matt has a blue paper that he reads from, Meredith a pink.
The serious tone is gone.
The stories they report on are about dogs and recipes.
8:10 The other school bus goes by.
This one you can hear a ways down the street.
It rattles over the bumpy snow cover road--
The sun doesn't hit it so it mounds of packed snow left over from the plows.
The dishwasher is going. The washing machine is going.
I am frantically looking for a pen to copy down the recipe Al is going to give me next hour.
9:00 Son is up.
He is lying on the couch.
The Disney channel is on.
I missed Al's recipe and now have no idea what to make for dinner.
I feel like the day is half over!