Thursday, November 27, 2008


Yesterday we read a story about Thanksgiving in School.  

Did you know:
1. They did not have potatoes at the first Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims though potatoes were poisonous.
2. The second Thanksgiving did not take place until 1678--in June. It was in Charlestown Mass and the Native Americans were not invited.
3. George Washington started the tradition of having a national day of Thanksgiving but Jefferson did away with it.
5. Lincoln finally put it into law after a writing letter campaign by a woman named Sarah Josepha Hale.  It took her 40 years.
6. FDR switched the date twice. He wanted to move it to the third Thursday of the month to extend the shopping season. The public did not like that so, he changed it back.
7. There were no pies at the first Thanksgiving--they did not have flour.


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