Sunday, November 2, 2008


Everything is hard.

I start something and get distracted from something else.

The dishes are half done, the laundry is half done, the house is half picked up, the mail is half sorted.

I am missing the "new" routine that we fell into while ML was dying.
On the weekends I would stay with ML while Hubby and Bud walked the dogs.
That was our time together.

Before hospice ML would be at home, drinking coffee while the "men walked the dogs", and I would go grocery shopping--trying to get in and out before the college kids get up.

This Saturday when Hubby left to work the dogs with Bud, I burst into tears.
Now, I have only been staying with Ml during this time , what 6 weeks? That twelve times.
How does that happen? how can I miss something I did for only a short time?

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