Thursday, May 14, 2009


It started about 10 days ago. My feet itched. I looked at them they were covered in bumps.
Hmmm I thought.

The next day my legs itched. They had bumps.

I asked my friends at work. Poison Ivy they said.

I bought cream. Smothered my legs with it. Took Benedryl.

The next day more on my legs.
The day after my arms.

Soon the top of my legs were rough, raw , itchy, swelling and hot.
You could feel the heat of my skin through my pants.

Monday I went to the doctor--a week after the first scratch.
Any changes in shampoo, detergent, cream? Nope.
Any changes in diet?
Well I did a "mini cleanse" ( very Happy Valley). I was feeling sluggish bloated so I gave up flour and sugar for 3 weeks.
The bumps appeared 1 day after I started eating bread.

Doctor--" I thought that looked like celiac!"

Celiac-your body can't process glutton.
Glutton is in four, wheat, barley, rye, .... everything!

Stop eating it. Take a blood test.
Blood results back in 2 weeks.

They gave me meds.
I expected to feel well.
I felt better but not well.

I still have the chills, raw skin, swelling, welts, hives, and heat.
Whenever I get warm they reappear, stronger than before.
They have stopped spreading--they are now my torso.

It's hard to sleep. I get chilled. Cover up with a blanket. I get warm. I get welts. I itch.

And so it goes.....

I haven't even begun to think about what life will be like without flour......


Unknown said...

That sounds awful - does something frozen (a bag of frozen peas) right on the itchy spot help?

Misty said...

oh my goodness... wow. and why all of a sudden?

Happy Valley Mom said...

Frozen peas didn't help. I got more chills.

The theory is celiac can be brought on my stress---
well I have had that this past year!