Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gluten Free

Five days --gluten free.

I am feeling better!
My hives are gone.
My stomach is flatter. ( I fit into pants I didn't fit into in the fall)

I am more present.
I am happier.
I am playful--awake.
I like my family!

The eating part isn't so bad.
A day at a time.
I am eating lots of fruits and veggies.

I am learning to eat differently --and so far the kids are ok with that.

Last night dinner---
Hamburger patty( homemade) covered with mayo, tomatoes and avacado.
Homemade french fries ( sliced up potatoes, olive oil, salt roasted in the oven)

All was eaten.
All were happy!

So far so good!

1 comment:

Misty said...

good for you! Aren't there gluten free flours you can buy?