Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not the Best Plan

Last night I let the puppy out to do her business.

I was being lazy and thought I would let her out and she would come back in.
She had done it before and I was confident she would do it again.

After about five minutes I called her--nothing.
I got a bone and bang it on the slider--that always works.

I called again. Nothing.

Did I mention that our house is on 6 acres of woods and that there are wild animals ( bears, moose, bobcats, fisher cats) in the woods?

I called again. Nothing.

I got my coat on and walked outside.
I couldn't see anything in the woods.

I called again. Nothing.
Now the kids are up and getting nervous--Hubby was not home.

Daughter gets a flashlight and helps me look.
Son is sitting by the door crying.

I am thinking--" Great we get a puppy because we have had so many deaths and now the puppy is going to be eaten by wild animals--no trama here!"

Suddenly I hear something.
I call again.

I hear it again.
I call.

Out from the woods emerges a wet puppy.

I bring her in. I pick her up--I put her down--She is COVERED in smelly poop!!!!!!

Bath time!!

This morning I take her out --on her leash.
It is 5:30--still dark.

I hear a sound--I wait.....listen....

Coyotes .......they are howling.

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