Saturday, October 25, 2008

And so it starts....

We started going through ML stuff. 

Joy her friend and caregiver (friend first then caregiver) and I divided up her jewelry.

ML had told me about some pieces and who she wanted them to go to.
ML had told Joy about other pieces.

It was emotional at first, and then I wanted to make sure it was fair.

Joy blew me away when she said there were pieces for the daughter-in-laws.

She gave me a chain and bracelet that ML  wore all the time.  

It felt funny when Joy gave it to me.  I felt overwhelmed, sad and self conscience. 

When I got home I showed Hubby and broke into tears.

I did not realize that having something she loved and wore would feel so comforting and sad  at the same time. 
It is comforting because I know what it meant to her. 
It is sad because she is not wearing it. 
It is all mixed up--
I am crying as I write...

I just miss her.....

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