Thursday, August 28, 2008

Little of the old

When we moved to the Happy Valley I was a little nervous. I wanted a neighborhood. We were moving to a street in the  middle of nowhere.

We lived in a neighborhood in a town south of Boston. We did neighborhood things-cookouts, Easter Egg hunts, Christmas parties and watched each others children. My neighbors taught me how to be a mom. They introduced me to the world of birthday party planning, Fisher Price, Little Tykes, the mall with a stroller,  hand me downs and juice boxes. 

My kids had built in playmates.  At 4 o'clock  every afternoon,  all of us gather. The kids would play and we would take turns running into the house to throw a casserole or meatloaf in the oven. 

Would I  have to make play dates in the Happy Valley?  What was a play date? Who would introduce me to play dates? I was going to be living on a street not a neighborhood!

I lucked out!

My street is a neighborhood--just in  a straight line. We have cookouts, gather at the pool, the kids play with each other and  we watch each others kids. 

An added bonus -- these kids play  flashlight tag and the moms take a pilates class together.

A little of the old with the new.

1 comment:

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

That is awesome and something we do NOT have. Although I like the privacy of not having a neighborhood, I do wish I had more of a community.

Happy LONG Weekend!