Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I am estranged from my family.
I get an occasional email from my mom but that's it.
It's a long story--one for another day.

As a result of being estranged, I have lost track of many of my cousins.
That was until FACE BOOK.

About a year ago my cousin Joyce contacted me through Facebook.
I was so surprised and thrilled to hear from her.
The last time I had seen her was in high school and now she had a grown son!

We exchanged emails and commented on each others pictures and posts.
She helped me get in touch with more cousins.

A few months ago she was found unconscious in her bathroom.
No one was sure how long she was there.
She remained in a coma for 6 more days.
When she finally came out of the coma she had sustained liver and heart damaged.

When she returned home she asked me to call her.
I did.
We spoke for about an hour--I hadn't heard from her in 20 years.
We got caught up.

A week later she texted me and told she was on her way back to the hospital.
She was bleeding internally.
Somehow she made it through surgery and again was unconscious for days after.

Last week she rallied--a little.
But that was short lived.
Last night she died.

I am feeling sad and a little lost.
She was a connection to my past.
We grew up together.
We shared holidays and
we shared family.

I will miss her posts and her emails.
I will miss that connection.

I feel...... sad......a drift..........

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