Thursday, April 9, 2009


We been through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and some birthdays so..
Why am I having such a hard time with Easter?

Easter was the first holiday I spent with Hubby's family after we got engaged.
ML and I went shopping for Easter outfits.
I brought tulips--she hated Easter Lillies.
I helped with dinner and for the first time felt like I was part of the family.

Traditions were big with ML.
She had several for Easter.

It was at her her house that the ham dinner with fresh asparagus was served.
When we lived in the Eastern part of the state we would spend Easter weekend at her house.

The kids would wake up Easter morning to a jellybean trail that lead them to their Easter Baskets.
There would be egg hunts in her backyard.
Every year she would find at least one still hidden when she did the fall clean up.

Hubby's and Mark's birthdays are around Easter so she always including a birthday cake as part of the celebration.

This Easter we are having dinner at Mark's house.
I am bringing dessert.
I mention birthday cake and Mary's response was
" Why would we have birthday cake at Easter?"

I know we have to move now but I am having a hard time with this one.
I want a little of ML's traditions .

I thought about doing a jellybean trail but I am no sure that Freckles won't eat them.


Who would have thought that Easter would be this difficult?

1 comment:

Misty said...

i am so sorry to hear that it was hard! {{{hugs}}}