Friday, March 27, 2009


Writing is hard.

It's personal.

It is hard to know when you have said enough and when you need more.

We have been working on writing in school.

Next week the 7th graders will have to write a long compostion for the State wide testing.

I have been trying to get them to relax.

I have been trying to let them see and hear that others struggle with writing too.

I tell them my struggles.

I tell of I got up at 4 am every week day morning for a year so I could work on my thesis.

I tell them if I could write for them, I would But the only way to get better at writing is to write.

They are starting to relax.

They are starting to let others help them and not take it personally.

They becoming writers!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Look

I exited and there he was.
Tall, dark handsome.
He was leaning against the pole.
His blue shirt , jeans and leather coat look casual yet sexy.

His eyes met mine.
He smiled a slightly crooked smile that lit up his eyes.
He nodded and I was drawn to him.

I walked over, eyes locked on his.
I was sweaty and wearing workout clothes but I didn't care.
I felt tingly and wanted to be near him.
I wanted to inhale him, embrace him.

I felt light and giddy.

As I approached he leaned over and kissed me.
My knees got weak.
I closed my eyes and inhaled.

When I eyes opened there he was--
After 20 years he can still make me weak in the knees!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love Letter

Buried underneath of the piles of stuff from Hubby's dad house is where I found them.
A stack of letters tied up with a ribbon.

They were letters written between Hubby's mom (ML) and dad ( Joe) before they got married.

ML had been engaged to another man--Bud--long story another blog.
While visiting her sister in Ohio she met Joe and by the time she left -6 short weeks later she was engaged to him.

The letters are amazing.

Even way back then you could see the train wreck.

She writes about being worried someone will snatch him up because he is such a catch.
He writes that he doesn't want to know about her friends. She should be concentrating on making life for them and deciding how to decorate their house.
She is quitting school but her parents want her to finish college before she gets married.
She wants to get married and fix him. Make him the best man he can be!

I have soo many questions!

Is this what it was like in 1962?
Woman got married and devoted their lives to their husbands?
When did the switch happen?
Is this switch in their relationship what cause them to split--( ML ended up being the bread winner and Joe hardly worked)

ML writes that she's stupid and moody. And then asks for forgiveness !
I would not use those two words to describe her at all!
Why does she think she is that way and WHY would she tell Joe that?

I have sooo many questions .

By the time I met them, their marriage was doomed.
They divorced the year we got married.
Not a nice divorce.
Both were bitter.

What was really strange--there was no mention of kissing or sex!
No mention of longing to be held, touched or caressed.
It was all about the outside stuff--none of the inside.

Sad ...very sad..........

It is no wonder they got divorced!
It sad so sad.
And the saddest part is I can't ask either of them about it.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Freckles is chewing EVERYTHING!

When she is a puppy and she should but...
really look at the list>
Son's sneakers
Hubby's handsome ( work) shoes
Hubby's boots
Hubby's head phones
Hubby's other pair of handsome shoes
Still another pair of Hubby's shoes
3 tuperware bowls
3 books
1 school book of Daughter's
5 dishrags
6 pairs of Hubby's socks

( did you notice that Hubby had a lot on this list--guess who doesn't keep his shoes in the hallway?)

Oh By the way--susan you can stop laughing now!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Working Mom

I enjoy being a working mom.
I love my job.
I feel like I make a difference.

I have been blessed with wonderful people who look after my children.
I arrive at work and don't worry about them.
I think about them , talk about them but don't worry.
I get a call from their school.
Then all bets are off.

The line is blurred, no gone.
I am no longer a teacher, an employee .
I am a mom.

Home is where I go.
Home is where I belong.

Freak Accident

Son had indoor recess yesterday. The class was playing catch in the classroom.
He reach down to snatch the ball and in doing so, he knocked the chair on the desk in front of him.
The chair fell and hit him on the head.

He said he was fine but after a few minutes he head started hurting more and he was dizzy.

The teacher walked him down to the nurse.

The nurse put ice on his head and told him to rest.
After about 15 minutes he said it was worse.
Now Son is not a complainer. When he gets hurts, he cries at first ( usually out of frustration) but is up in about 3 minutes playing.
The nurse knew this--she has known him since he was in preschool.
So she called me at school and told me to take him home and watch him.

While driving to pick him up I called his doctor. I spoke with one of the nurses and told her she needed to talk me off the roof before I got to Son's school. All I could think of was Natasha Richardson!
The nurse said bring him right in.

His doctor said he had a closed head injury but watch him. Anything changes call.

We went home, snuggled on the couch and watched a movie.
After the movie Son stood up and lost his balance.

I called the doctor--off to the ER.

As calmly as I could I called Daughter and told her where we going and I would check in when I could.

I calmly explained to Son where we were going and why.
He said fine but don't say " hospital" and will he be able to see a picture of his brain.

After 2 hours, it was determined he has a concussion.
And to watch carefully. Wake her up every few hours through out the night.

So we are home today. Sue lovingly offered to drive 2 hours to stay with him but I realized I would be pretty useless at work. So I am home.

I am glad he is fine--No soccer for a week and I need keep him quiet.
But in a strange way I feel I need to Thank Natasha Richardson. Had her tragic accident not hit the news yesterday morning, I am not sure if I would have taken this so seriously.
I am not sure that Son would not be running around on the playground today or if he would be head butting balls at his game tomorrow.

There is so much we don't understand about the brain.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Have Become One of Them!!!

When Daughter was little, women would stop me in store and tell me to enjoy those days, they go too fast.
I secretly was thinking " Get a life. Mind your own business. You don't know what you are talking about."

Today I have a meeting to at Daughters school to discuss ..... High School!!!

I didn't think I would be saying those two words and Daughters name together so soon.
But here we are!

It seems like only yesterday she would run down the street to greet Hubby yelling " Daddy!".
It seems like only yesterday she started first grade while I sat in the car and cried!
It seems like only yesterday she had her first day of school here at the Happy Valley and I worried about her all day.
It seems like only yesterday she went to camp for the first time.
It seems like only yesterday she started middle school and here we are at HIGH SCHOOL!!!

It's offical .. I have become one of those!
I feel an urge to tell people with babies to hold tight, memorize their faces, it goes too fast!

She doesn't look like a girl anymore--she looks like a young woman.

Where did the time go?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Deep Breath

Yesterday I got up and went to workout.

I worked hard and sweated a lot!

When I got home a took a long shower and shaved my legs.

After my shower I got breakfast.
A bowl of yogurt, fresh blueberries and walnuts.

I felt my whole body exhale!
A deep, long exhale.

I think I am really liking this Happy Valley living.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

American Idol School

The last two days I have been really enjoying my students.
I have been joking with them and through my jokes I am teaching them things that they would not have gotten before.

Example--they are getting ready to take the State exams at the end of the month. We are practicing writing.
I handed back their papers and ask them if they watched American Idol. They said yes.
I told them that Mark had set the bar and they all needed to meet it.
They laughed and then asked Mark if they could see his paper.
They joked that they didn't want to become Jorge and started writing.

All of them improved!
And we bounded as a class and had fun!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The New Soccer Mom

I took this picture at son's soccer game on Saturday.

I thought it was great!
Two work from home mom's doing their thing!

Wouldn't this make a great Apple ad?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This Seems Familar

It snowed yesterday--another 5 inches.
Yes we had 60 degrees the day before.

It is dark again in the morning.
I was starting to get up with the sun.
Once again I get up before the sun.

Son is sick AGAIN!
This time sore throat.

Haven't we already done this?
Is it February AGAIN!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Time change

It is dark out this morning.

No,I mean it, it is dark!

Pitch black.

I get up at 5:30--it is dark!!

This is going to be a long month!

Friday, March 6, 2009


It is going up to 50 today.
It is raining--but it is going up to 50.

The birds are singing.
Ice is melting.

Tomorrow it is going up to 60!

I am SOOOOOO ready for spring!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hubby and I rented Shopgirl over the weekend.

Have you seen it?
It is written, directed and stars Steve Martin.
It 's very good.
I thought it was beautifully shot and the love scenes were tender and moving.
I also was impressed how Steve Martin got into the mind of women.

The movie got me thinking--
Wouldn't it be great if we had a Jeremy and a Ray combined into one?


You know it is March because you have NO patience for snow.
You know it is March because you are checking the June calendar to see if we have another snow day will it mean another week of snow-- as of yesterday we out 6/19--one ore day and we come back on a Monday! :(
You know it is March because there is no football or baseball.
You know it is March because it is the only time you eat corned beef--what exactly is corned ?
You know it is March because you start looking for bulbs pushing out of the snow.
You know it is March because it is lighter in the morning.
You know it is March because you are sick of your wardrobe and you are wondering if it is to cold to wear that short sleeved shirt.
You know it is March because suddenly everyone is Irish.
You know it is March because 20 degrees seems balmy!
You know it is March because everyone has the blahs ..........

I think they should trade March for another month of summer!!!!!

FYI minus one this morning

Monday, March 2, 2009

Kids These Days!

I got home from Jazzercise the other night all excited!
I was able to do a whole routine without messing up!

I was so excited that I started to show Hubby and Son.

Hubby said, " Ah,,don't you think you should wear a jog bra when you go to class?"

I replied--" Really? Do I bounce?"

" Yes!" replied Son whose hands were covering his face.

I bought a jog bra yesterday!

Weather #5


We could see the ground.
The ice was gone.

This morning--8 inches and counting! :(

I need tulips.
I need robins.
I need .....SPRING!