Monday, December 15, 2008

New Traditions

Son no longer believes in Santa--I am crushed.
He is 8.
I was hoping for another year, but no.

I explained to Son that now that he knew about Santa, he had to become part of the Christmas magic.

Yesterday I took the kids to Target.  
They each brought money that they had earned.
Each of them picked out a toy.
Son a cute stuffed animal. Daughter a small art desk.

We took them to the library where they are having a toy drive.

Son looked longingly at stuffed animal and gave it to the woman collecting toys.

As we walked back to the car I told Son that on Christmas morning some little boy will see that stuffed animal under their tree and think Santa put it there.

" Wow!!" he exclaimed through a HUGE smile.

Maybe not believing in Santa is not such a sad thing after all!

1 comment:

Jess said...

OMG I did the same thing with Bryant when he learned that there was no man that would come in the middle of the night to place presents under the tree. I told him everyone who gives is Santa, and told him that Santa lives in our hearts like an angel and we then donated a favorite toy he picked out with his money and we donated it to toys for tots!!! We do this every year.