Thursday, June 30, 2011


Choices--they are a good thing?
It's nice to have them but it does let you see the cost of things.

Now I am NOT complaining--but I have started to see what choices have given and
cost me,
in small ways.

For example --summer vacations.
From 1997-2008 we went to Maine every summer.
It was beautiful and wonderful.
Hubby's parents rented the same house and people would come and go as they wanted.
We took the kids every year.

We loved it.
The house felt like ours, we knew the routine, we new the area, we saw the same people.
It was tradition.
It was a big part of my daughter's childhood.

What we didn't do in the summer was travel.
We didn't see the National Parks or go out west, something I really wanted to do.

So now we are planning a trip out west and we aren't sure if my daughter will be able to go.
She may be working--she is at the age.
Granted she traveled with her camp the last 2 summers,
but this trip may be without her.


Monday, May 30, 2011


Time is a funny thing.
It has been getting my attention lately--
and in an usual way.
Through novels.

Every year around this time, I start to unwind from the school year.
I read novels; not heavy, light reading.
I call it " back washing out my brain".

I just read BEACH TREES by Karen White.
It is set in Mississppi right after Katrina and the oil spill.

One of the characters is named Miss Ammie.
Miss Ammie is the grandmother and throughout the book she recalls stories from when she was a young bride.
After reading 2 or 3 of Miss Ammie's stories it hits me...
I could be the young baby in the story and Miss Ammie could my mother.

The story is not about us but, the time line is right.
In the early 60's my mother was a young mother.

How did that happen?
How did the story of remembering become my mother's memories and not my grandmother's?

I mean, I know my grandparents are dead.
I know I have children and they have have grandparents.
But, I never saw it in black and white.

I have moved over on the timeline.
Not just my time line...
the world's time line.

This will take some getting used to....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's been a whirlwind.
First I discovered I couldn't eat Gluten.
This summer I discovered I coldn't eat soy.
This holiday season I discovered I couldn't eat Soy Lecithin.
Soy Lecuthin is in EVERYTHING--chocolate, mayo, The almond milk I use using.
It was like discovering I gluten all over again.

I think I finally got rid of all the Soy lecithin in my diet.
It's been a week--I discoverd this problem in December!
I am feeling better.

The side effect--I am eating more, not less.
The same thing happened with Gluten.
Once I find something I CAN eat, I eat a lot of it.
Portion sizes do not apply.

My strong sense is not to worry about that right now--a step at a time.
First concentrate on finding healthy meals, healthy foods.

Next will come portion control, but for now don't deprive myself of anything else.

A day at a time, a meal at a time
Here's hoping to to no more set backs!