Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I am trying to write.
Correction, I am writing.

I started this blog 2 years ago, wrote for a year and then stopped.

Started writing about a dream I had 9 years ago and stopped.
I stopped last time because I let someone else opinion guide me.
I didn't trust myself.
Listen to him and not myself.
Hard lesson!

Then this spring I read Anne Lamont's Bird by Bird.

I have made a commitment to write each day.
I am also going to write a letter to one of my characters. I am hoping that will have "unstuck" me.

Wish me luck!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Momo left for camp yesterday. She has gone to camp before, for a month at a time.
But this time it was different.
She is going on a leadership program to Russia and Sweden. She will be gone for 5 1/2 weeks.

This time it's different because she spreading her wings and I am not there to guide her.
This time it's different because she going to worlds I have never seen.
This time it is different because she is experiencing things I will never experience.

Parenting is such a strange and complicated things. They place this beautiful being in your arms and from that day forward your job is to prepare them to leave you.

Your job to help them discover themselves, their talents. their riches.
And once they have made these wonderful discoveries their job is to go out in the world and share them with others.

Allowing them and trusting them to do these is one of the hardest discoveries I have had to make.