I have noticed an increase of " hugging" among the students in my school.
Correction--among the middle schoolers.
They hug when they greet each other.
They hug when they say Good Bye.
They run after each other to give hugs.
It is not all the students--it is girls.
Girls hug girls, girls hug boys.
I have not seen boys hugging boys--they high five or bump each other.
Sometimes girls keep hugging as they walk down the hall. Kindof a hug walk thing.
When a girl and a guy are " going out together" they hold hands. They don't hug.
Sometimes a girl will drop the hand of her " boyfriend" to hug a friend and then resume hand holding.
I thought this was just happening at my school, but I saw it at Daughter's school too.
Don't get me wrong--I don't mind it--(Actually, I think it kindof sweet)
I am just wondering when it started being the norm.
It is quite cute...
I can remember that being the big thing with all of the "popular girls" when I was in 7th grade.
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